John Rowe Blog

John Rowe

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Government Business Loan Scheme

by John Rowe 06 May 20

As part of the initiative to assist businesses suffering from the impact of Covid-19, the Government has created the Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme (SBCS). Under this scheme, eligible businesses will be able to borrow up to $100,000, interest-free or at low interest rates, to..

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Business Borrowing

by John Rowe 10 Dec 19

Often business owners need to approach the bank for money, for example to put into their business. This is a perfectly normal part of running a business. However, there is something that many business owners are unaware of, which could jeopardise their relationship with the..

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We were recently involved with assisting a new client to resolve a dispute between shareholders. This was a prime example of a business succession planning scenario going wrong.  On the face of it, the client had everything you should have, such as a constitution and..

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Foreign exchange (FX) is an area where we have seen clients unnecessarily losing money. And we’re not talking small amounts, either; something that became abundantly clear to us after talking with foreign exchange expert, Phillip Lindberg. Foreign exchange (converting NZ dollars into another currency, or..

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Don't be an ostrich

by John Rowe 06 Sep 15

When things turn pear-shaped, it can be tempting to behave like an ostrich, bury your head in the sand, and ignore what’s going on. This is not the best policy.  The media is currently giving high exposure to the issues facing dairy farmers - dairy..

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Business owners would do well to look closely if their marketing is proving ineffective and is not generating the leads and conversions they desire. It may not be entirely the marketing's fault. In fact, it may not be the marketing's fault at all.   I'm..

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by John Rowe 27 Mar 14

Typically at the outset of a new new year, business owners focus on a fresh start, new beginnings and how they can make it better than the previous year.Although we are already in March and the year is racing ahead, some businesses have not yet..

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by John Rowe 26 Mar 14

Having got 2013's problems under control (as addressed in my previous blog - 'Ways to improve your business'), now is the time to make a plan for 2014 so it will be a year of reinvention and forward progress, rather than a repeat or worsening..

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Inland Revenue has advised the new mileage rate for motor vehicles is 77 cents per kilometre. This rate applies to self employed taxpayers with up to a maximum of 5,000 kilometres of work-related travel each year. This applies to all motor vehicles (except motorcycles) irrespective..

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Totally enjoyed all this Property School course, particularly leaning what to look out for in properties, and the amount of people we can use to help move forward. Look forward to any other courses that come about. - Brent, October 2018

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  • How to negotiate successfully
  • Renovation do's & don'ts
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  • Case studies and examples
  • and much, much more...