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Business owners and property investors choose GRA because . . .

"We add value and
we get it right."

We're experts in property investment and portfolio building, tax structures and efficiency, business accounting, asset protection and trusts.

We focus on wealth creation for our clients. With skilled teams dedicated to property, business, governance, compliance, and education, GRA provide the accounting expertise you need and the knowledge to help you make smart decisions.

You choose the services. We will deliver and ensure your expectations are met.


No other firm has our depth of knowledge and experience in property investment. We literally wrote the bookProperty 101 by Matthew Gilligan! We offer services to help property investors succeed and education to help property investors succeed to help property investors succeed. Learn more about GRA services to help property investors succeed..


GRA's Taxation Compliance Division prepares financial statements and taxation returns for many types of organisations. Large companies and small to medium sized businesses.. Learn more..about GRA tax consultancy services..


If you’re thinking about setting up, or reviewing a family trust, then you've come to the right place. Among other benefits, trusts protect you from adverse events.. Learn more..about GRA Family Trust accounting services


Everyone has to pay their share of taxes, and we have no qualms about that. But there are many things that you can deduct and do to reduce your taxation obligations. Learn more..about GRA Asset planning accounting services

GRA Blogs:

All GRA Blogs: Latest Posts

  Matthew Gilligan  12 Jun 24

Matthew Gilligan I thought Paul Henry’s speech at the Act Party’s annual Change Makers event was funny, onpoint, and worth sharing. Enjoy.

  John Rowe  28 Mar 23

John Rowe As the end of the 2023 financial year fast approaches, you’ll want to get organised so your accountant can prepare your financial statements and tax returns as efficiently as possible. This will save you both time and money. Getting your information and documentation in order also means your accountant will be able to identify any tax advantages, so you ...

Salesh Chand Over the last few years, landlords have faced a number of challenges that impact their ability to properly maintain their rental properties and meet their financial obligations. Like any other business owner, as a property investor it’s important that you adapt to market changes and keep a close eye on your outgoings versus your income.  In this blog, I ...

  Anthony Lipscombe  29 Nov 23

Anthony Lipscombe Imagine this: A few years ago, after careful saving and financial planning, you managed to buy an investment property. Your goal from the outset is to hold the property long term. You do some work to add value, and intend keeping it for many years to come to fund your retirement. To your surprise, one day you get a notification ...

  Anthony Strevens  13 Nov 23

Anthony Strevens Anyone who provides lodging or ride-sharing services through an online marketplace in New Zealand, such as Airbnb or Uber, will be affected by new Goods and Services Tax (GST) changes, which came into force on April 1, 2024. What is the new legislation?Prior to 1 April 2024, service providers were exempt from GST if their turnover was below the $60,000 ...

Anna Loginova As you are probably already aware, trusts now have more reporting requirements with the IRD. However, in some circumstances, trusts, especially family trusts, may have been made non-active with the IRD, which means there is no income to report (and no tax to pay). Although a trust may not generate any income, and therefore may not be required to file ...

Nathan Budd It’s that time of year when businesses look to reward their staff and clients by hosting Christmas parties, giving gifts, and paying bonuses.Some of these costs may be fully deductible, some may be 50% tax deductible, and others subject to Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) or PAYE deductions. To help your business stay on the right side of the Christmas ...

  Quade Fraser  15 Jul 24

Quade Fraser As property tax and structuring specialists, one of the most common questions we encounter at GRA is whether to set up a look-through company (LTC) to hold investment property. The answer, more often than not, has shifted over the years to no. LTCs, once considered a go-to option for property investors, have seen their appeal diminish significantly in recent years. ...

  The Professional Trustee Team  18 May 23

The Professional Trustee Team If you’re enjoying a well-earned retirement, or looking out for the interests of your parents who are, there may come a time when rest home care is required, and you have to deal with funding the cost of that care. Will you be eligible for the Residential Care Subsidy?There is government support available in the form of the Residential Care ...

Kris Pedersen The Reserve Bank (RBNZ) surprised at their recent Official Cash Rate review on the 29th of November with their adoption of a relatively hawkish tone and the suggestion that we may not have seen the end to cash rate increases. They increased their own projection for the OCR for the seventh time over the last two years, although I suspect ...

  Steve Munro - Guest Contributor  29 Apr 24

Guest Contributor I recently held a webinar which explains how to integrate life insurance with your financial goals – something that should be of interest to property investors, businessowners, salaried people, and the self-employed. You may now be thinking: How can life insurance assist with financial goals? In this presentation I demonstrate how the two can work together in a way ...

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Property 101by

Investing in residential property?

Put this at the top of your reading list.

If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

  • How to find the right property
  • How to negotiate successfully
  • Renovation do's & don'ts
  •  Property management 
  • Case studies and examples
  • and much, much more...
Includes test