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Compulsory Acquisitions

by Anthony Lipscombe 29 Nov 23

Imagine this: A few years ago, after careful saving and financial planning, you managed to buy an investment property. Your goal from the outset is to hold the property long term. You do some work to add value, and intend keeping it for many years..

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We moved our business accounting to GRA twelve months ago and have never looked back.  Matthew Gilligan and his team have consistently provided us with honest straight forward advice and have proved themselves to be honorable, trustworthy and efficient in all matters to date. The point of difference for us is that GRA do not charge their clients for every question asked (like most other accountants) which allows for better communication and understanding of how to run a successful company.  GRA have impeccable time management systems in place and their customer service is outstanding.  I recommend them to any other business that wants good solid advice with the aim of business success, asset protection and opportunities for sound investments. - A Ellis – EC Flooring Contractors Limited

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  • How to find the right property
  • How to negotiate successfully
  • Renovation do's & don'ts
  •  Property management 
  • Case studies and examples
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