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Business owners and property investors choose GRA because . . .

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we get it right."

We're experts in property investment and portfolio building, tax structures and efficiency, business accounting, asset protection and trusts.

We focus on wealth creation for our clients. With skilled teams dedicated to property, business, governance, compliance, and education, GRA provide the accounting expertise you need and the knowledge to help you make smart decisions.

You choose the services. We will deliver and ensure your expectations are met.


No other firm has our depth of knowledge and experience in property investment. We literally wrote the bookProperty 101 by Matthew Gilligan! We offer services to help property investors succeed and education to help property investors succeed to help property investors succeed. Learn more about GRA services to help property investors succeed..


GRA's Taxation Compliance Division prepares financial statements and taxation returns for many types of organisations. Large companies and small to medium sized businesses.. Learn more..about GRA tax consultancy services..


If you’re thinking about setting up, or reviewing a family trust, then you've come to the right place. Among other benefits, trusts protect you from adverse events.. Learn more..about GRA Family Trust accounting services


Everyone has to pay their share of taxes, and we have no qualms about that. But there are many things that you can deduct and do to reduce your taxation obligations. Learn more..about GRA Asset planning accounting services

GRA Blogs:

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  Matthew Gilligan  25 Jan 24

Matthew Gilligan In November 2023, I was interviewed by Blandon Leung of MortgageHQ.We discussed my journey into property investment, common challenges faced by investors, my investment philosophies, and my predictions for the 2024 property market. You can watch the video below.

John Rowe With the Labour Party winning the 2020 election, they now are expected to implement their proposed higher individual tax bracket of 39% for income over $180k. This is anticipated to come into effect in 2021/2022 income year. This imminent change makes it an opportune time to ensure your affairs are structured in the best possible way for both asset protection and ...

  Salesh Chand  07 Sep 21

Salesh Chand Following on form my previous Covid Support blog, there are a couple of Covid-related government support updates you should know about. Wage SubsidyThe Government have announced a second wage subsidy, called the Wage Subsidy August 2021 #2. 1. Applications are open from 3-16 September 2021.2. If you applied for the first subsidy, you must wait 14 days after your original application before applying for the ...

  Anthony Lipscombe  23 Mar 22

Anthony Lipscombe Almost a year to the day since the Government announced rules to eliminate tax deductions on interest for property investors, the legislation has all but reached its final destination. In the last two weeks the Select Committee report on the first draft of the legislation has been released and amendments have been made to the first draft reflecting these ...

  Anthony Strevens  29 Jun 21

Anthony Strevens As part of the increase in the top individual tax rate to 39%, the government has brought in the requirement to provide Inland Revenue more information in your trust tax returns. This applies from the 2022 tax year onwards. They have done this to ensure that Inland Revenue will have plenty of information in order to decide whether or ...

  Anna Loginova  03 May 21

Anna Loginova We are at the end of another financial year, and it is time to collate your information for your accountant so they can prepare financial statements and file your tax returns. At GRA, we look for opportunities to optimise our clients’ tax positions for the end of the financial year and this blog contains some of the things you need ...

Nathan Budd It’s that time of year when businesses look to reward their staff and clients by hosting Christmas parties, giving gifts, and paying bonuses.Some of these costs may be fully deductible, some may be 50% tax deductible, and others subject to Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) or PAYE deductions. To help your business stay on the right side of the Christmas ...

  Quade Fraser  15 Jul 24

Quade Fraser As property tax and structuring specialists, one of the most common questions we encounter at GRA is whether to set up a look-through company (LTC) to hold investment property. The answer, more often than not, has shifted over the years to no. LTCs, once considered a go-to option for property investors, have seen their appeal diminish significantly in recent years. ...

  The Professional Trustee Team  12 Dec 18

The Professional Trustee Team New legal and regulatory requirements are slowing things down and costing people time and money, especially if they leave things to the last minute before involving their professional advisers. The following story illustrates.   Recently, a client faced the problem of failing to obtain bank funding from a registered bank. They did not contact us in advance of their settlement, ...

  Kris Pedersen  17 Nov 20

Kris Pedersen Back in May I wrote that the Reserve Bank had removed the loan-to-value restrictions, which they stated would be for a 12-month period. At the time, this made sense with Government, Treasury and most economists' predictions being in line with double digit decreases in house prices due to the Covid pandemic.The expectation was that the removal of the restrictions ...

  Mark Honeybone - Guest Contributor  17 Feb 22

Guest Contributor Many people who have bought an investment property over the past 12 months have been forced to buy a new build due to the government’s current rules:• Healthy Home requirements• Lower LVR for new builds (20% deposit rather than the 40% required for second-hand properties) • The ability to claim interest for 20 years from issue of the code compliance certificate (you can no ...

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Property 101by

Investing in residential property?

Put this at the top of your reading list.

If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

  • How to find the right property
  • How to negotiate successfully
  • Renovation do's & don'ts
  •  Property management 
  • Case studies and examples
  • and much, much more...
Includes test