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In my interactions with clients, I often come across small business owners who are facing numerous challenges. They are focused on marketing their business, attracting customers, and honing their expertise. Invoicing and tax tend to take a back seat, as the business owner’s immediate priority is..

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This is the time of year all businesses should be preparing budgets and cash flow forecasts.  The preparation of these is essential - the reason being that unless you know your anticipated income and associated expenditure, along with the peaks and troughs of your flow..

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by John Heaslip 30 Sep 13

I regularly have discussions  with clients about the difference between "profit" and "cash flow",  as many people have difficulty in differentiating between the two.  So what is the difference between profit and cash flow? Frequently it's the difference between success and bankruptcy.    Profit Profit is..

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To educate you must entertain. Property School was both informative and fun. I could not have coped with a boring session after a day in the office. The things I found most valuable were learning about the property wealth wheel, the value of trusts, credit lines and Life Online (which I will use again in the future). I got a lot out of it and have already recommended Property School to friends. - Peter M - November 2015

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