Team Leaders Blog

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Have been using GRA for about 10 years, they arent the cheapest out there, but you get what you pay for. I have had Excellent support and guideance from Salesh and the added value he brings to my finances has been worth it. I know other people who have used other accounants and been given poor advice one reason I havent changed from GRA Salesh is my go to guy - Lee J - November 2017

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Property 101by

Investing in residential property?

Put this at the top of your reading list.

If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

  • How to find the right property
  • How to negotiate successfully
  • Renovation do's & don'ts
  •  Property management 
  • Case studies and examples
  • and much, much more...