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Drawings versus Salary

by John Heaslip 27 Oct 21

We find that a lot of our clients get very confused about what drawings are. And with good reason – it’s a complicated area.  Most tend to think that drawings taken by a shareholder from a company are the same thing as their wage or..

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In my day to day interaction with clients I meet a lot of small business owners who are in their infancy. They are busy marketing their new business, finding customers and practising their particular expertise. Most budding entrepreneurs do not, however, willingly spend time thinking..

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by John Heaslip 30 Sep 13

I regularly have discussions  with clients about the difference between "profit" and "cash flow",  as many people have difficulty in differentiating between the two.  So what is the difference between profit and cash flow? Frequently it's the difference between success and bankruptcy.    Profit Profit is..

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by John Heaslip 08 Apr 13

We can help you do good things with your business numbers! Not Harry Potter-style magic or delivering the right lottery numbers, but simply making sure that you have a clear picture of your business' financial performance when you need it, at a cost which you..

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by John Heaslip 21 Feb 13

For most clients, 1 April signals the start of the new year for business and tax purposes, and the month of March brings opportunities to minimise tax and maximise cash surpluses for the coming year.  In order to implement any opportunities, first a business must..

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Thanks again for creating a resolution for my ACC levies situation, which quite frankly blindsided us. Without your expertise & nous, we would have been in a very uncomfortable position. I was very impressed by speed that your were able to resolve our challenge for us. Not surprisingly, my family & I would not hesitate in recommending your or the team at GRA for financial & taxation strategies - C Patterson

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