The Professional Trustee Team Blog

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How Far Can Auckland House Prices Go?

by The Professional Trustee Team 16 Jun 15

The headlines read "House prices out of control", "House prices can't keep going up", "House prices are going to fall".  But are the headlines right? How far can house prices continue to climb?   Demand outweighed supply. Housing shortage pre Global Financial Crises (GFC) existed...

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Why time is not on our side for the Auckland Property Market

by The Professional Trustee Team 30 May 13

You would have to be living under a rock to not know that there is an Auckland housing crisis. Today in my video I discuss what this means to you and why Auckland needs to take action asap with the new Auckland Unitary Plan.   .

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Salesh and the team are awesome! Really approachable, knowledgeable and I feel like they're on my side!

- Kelsey Price, June 2023
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