The Professional Trustee Team Blog

The Professional Trustee Team

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New Trust Law Passed

by The Professional Trustee Team 29 Aug 19

30 July 2019 was an important milestone in the land of trusts. That was the date the Trust Act 2019 became law in New Zealand.  One of the objectives of this new law is to provide for greater transparency and accountability by trustees to beneficiaries. This..

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A step forward in trust law

by The Professional Trustee Team 24 Jun 19

Trusts hail from medieval times and one can be forgiven for thinking current trust law has been on our statute books since that time too.  A combination of legislation, common law judgements and equity maxims result in the law being antiquated and complex. This frequently..

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Ground-breaking trust case - are your trust assets safe?

by The Professional Trustee Team 19 Sep 16

A labyrinth case, involving legal proceedings spanning a decade, has finally made its way through four courts. The ultimate judgement delivered by the Supreme Court is probably one of the most ground breaking decisions in respect of trusts and relationship property that this country has..

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When 'mine' becomes 'ours' - keeping assets separate

by The Professional Trustee Team 14 Sep 16

It is a common misconception that you have to live with someone for three years or more, and they have to make a direct contribution to the assets acquired during the relationship, before they're entitled to bring a relationship property claim. Possibly this mistaken belief..

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Inheritances Lost Unnecessarily

by The Professional Trustee Team 08 Dec 15

Every parent wants their children to have an equally good if not better life than what they've lived. To achieve that objective, parents tend to work hard to build up assets so they have something to leave their children when they die. This is done with..

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Legal judgement affecting Trusts

by The Professional Trustee Team 10 Sep 15

We all know trust law is a moving beast. The Court of Appeal recently demonstrated this when it released a judgement that had professional trustees using their little grey cells and thinking hard about their clients.  The case involved a fairly traditional marriage, of reasonably..

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Buying and selling property through trusts

by The Professional Trustee Team 08 Sep 15

Most people are aware that from 1 October 2015, residential property (with some exceptions) that is bought and sold within a two-year period will attract tax payable on capital gains made.  This rule will apply to equally to individuals, companies and trusts.  If a property..

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by The Professional Trustee Team 30 Jan 15

Most people understand that when a motor vehicle is sold, the owner of the car has to sign the sale papers. These days, the buyer also has to sign the sale papers. The same analogy applies to houses owned by a trust. Vendors and purchasers have to..

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by The Professional Trustee Team 02 Dec 14

One of the largest value assets most people hold is their home.  Trusts are no exception to this. Frequently, the biggest asset a trust holds is the family home and bach the beneficiaries live in. Trustees have lots of legal duties they must satisfy and one..

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Property School provided an excellent environment to learn from the experts. The senior partners and experts presented and shared current and relevant experiences which was invaluable. The one-on-one sessions offered with experts in each area meant I could discuss my situation with confidence referencing key learnings from the school. Thank-you for giving me practical knowledge that I am applying now - Anon
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