The Professional Trustee Team Blog

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by The Professional Trustee Team 26 Jan 14

Below are my final seven financial tips. 1. Staying on top of the IRD This is my 29th year in business.  Over that time, I've met many people and dealt with a myriad of issues.  Here's one thing that's common amongst them all – no..

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by The Professional Trustee Team 21 Jan 14

In Chinese horoscopes, 2014 is the Year of the Horse.  As we all know, in horse racing there are some horses that are a sure fire bet to back.  Then there are the horses you'd wished you'd backed.  Finally, there are the nags you'd rather..

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by The Professional Trustee Team 17 Jan 14

Christmas and its associated present receiving is something I look forward to with much anticipation. I love looking at the prezzies under the tree, trying to guess what they actually are and tearing the wrapping paper off of them when Christmas Day finally arrives.  I know..

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by The Professional Trustee Team 14 Jan 14

Santa Claus has been and gone, the tree has been taken down, and the bells have rung in a New Year.  The wind down is over and now it's time to wind up your thinking and actions for 2014.  But before you attack the 2014..

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Parents Buying Property for Their Children!!

by The Professional Trustee Team 12 Jan 14

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you have had a wonderful break and you're now getting back into the swing of things. Not that it is easy; I'm still feeling a bit under the weather with having to get back into the office..

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This letter is to express my appreciation for the assistance and encouragement of both Anthony Lipscombe and particularly John Heaslip over the last financial year. The period since activating my trading trust has been one of considerable stress, as well as personal development, as I embarked on this as a relative business neophyte with virtually no awareness of the contemporary requirements of running a business, particularly the financial records aspect. During much of this period I have therefore felt considerable out of my depth.  However I have been lucky enough to have had the benefit of the advice and support of John Heaslip in rationalizing what was a fairly chaotic set of records of the first year property trading. I am able to say that John in particular, has been unstinting in his attention to my needs and has done so in a manner which has never alluded to my extremely rudimentary grasp of managing a business, or even of being unable to set out a spread sheet properly.  The result of the above guidance is that now, although my trading trust would still not be able to operate without the advice of GRA, I do least feel a sense of satisfaction that I have got to my present point without major disaster and that my property trust does now have some kind of firmer basis for any future activities - Name withheld by request

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