The Professional Trustee Team Blog

The Professional Trustee Team

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Interest rates and the year ahead

by The Professional Trustee Team 23 Dec 15

There is no doubt about it – Christmas is a magical time, filled with love and friendship and happy moments, especially those encompassing the opening of presents! It's also a time for reflection on the year past.  This year has brought many changes. Banking policies..

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Inheritances Lost Unnecessarily

by The Professional Trustee Team 08 Dec 15

Every parent wants their children to have an equally good if not better life than what they've lived. To achieve that objective, parents tend to work hard to build up assets so they have something to leave their children when they die. This is done with..

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I can't think of anything I didn't like about Property School. I especially liked listening to Matthew Gilligans examples. - Anon, April 2018
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