The Professional Trustee Team Blog

The Professional Trustee Team

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Ground-breaking trust case - are your trust assets safe?

by The Professional Trustee Team 19 Sep 16

A labyrinth case, involving legal proceedings spanning a decade, has finally made its way through four courts. The ultimate judgement delivered by the Supreme Court is probably one of the most ground breaking decisions in respect of trusts and relationship property that this country has..

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When 'mine' becomes 'ours' - keeping assets separate

by The Professional Trustee Team 14 Sep 16

It is a common misconception that you have to live with someone for three years or more, and they have to make a direct contribution to the assets acquired during the relationship, before they're entitled to bring a relationship property claim. Possibly this mistaken belief..

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The team at GRA have been fantastic. They've been able to look at my catering business very closely and discover ways to free up my cash flow. In one example they were able to show me how to save 25% in costs that weren't obvious to me. I have no hesitation in recommending Gilligan Rowe + Associates - Phil Meleise - Manhattan Catering

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