Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Impact of Covid on the Property Market

by Matthew Gilligan 06 Jul 20

I have been surprised at the somewhat negative media commentary on property in the last 90 days, with prominence given to many of the usual doomsayer economists predicting a market meltdown. With predictions of 10–20% price drops (and a few keyboard warriors during lockdown saying..

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Matthew's Top Corona Tips

by Matthew Gilligan 30 Mar 20

Thanks to COVID-19, we are in a rapidly changing environment. Lockdown commenced on the 26th of March. It is quite possibly a two-month lock down, but that is conjecture. We are in the “initial 4-week period”.The Government is putting things in place to help the..

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After the Covid-19 announcement today, all our staff will be working from home. We are well set up to do this, and our business will operate as per usual, with the following changes:All meetings will be by phone or SkypeAll events will be held onlineWe..

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Property, Debt and Covid-19

by Matthew Gilligan 22 Mar 20

For those of you who are worried because you are carrying debt on property, I share my perspective on the impending doom that Covid-19 has wrought upon us. Just remember, people, that banks lend on closer to 6:1 mixed median multiples (median house prices: median household..

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Yes, it was a very informative and structured workshop. I have attended a few Matthew's presentations and workshops and they are always very structured, easy to follow and understand. That was the reason why I switched to GRA a few years back after attending one of his presentation, I thought he was just brilliant. Many Thanks. - Tatiana

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Investing in residential property?

Put this at the top of your reading list.

If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

  • How to find the right property
  • How to negotiate successfully
  • Renovation do's & don'ts
  •  Property management 
  • Case studies and examples
  • and much, much more...