Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Bright-line and Rollover Relief Rules

by Matthew Gilligan 07 May 24

With 1 July fast approaching, it is a good time to alert readers to some of the detail around the new bright-line and rollover relief rules which come into force from that date.Reduction of bright-line period to two yearsAs most readers will be aware, the..

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Recessionary Times

by Matthew Gilligan 29 Feb 24

Tax and legal professionals generally see what’s going on in the property and business landscape before it makes headlines. Our clients—property investors and businesspeople—provide us with front-row seats to what’s unfolding in the market. And I must say at time of writing in February 2024,..

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by Matthew Gilligan 20 Dec 23

Today (20 December 2023) the coalition government announced that the bright-line test will be reduced to two years from 1 July 2024. This is what Nicola Willis had to say:"Today I am announcing our immediate decision to bring the brightline test for residential property back to..

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Coalition Government Tax Changes

by Matthew Gilligan 24 Nov 23

Today, New Zealand’s coalition government with National, Act and NZ First was finally announced. Some important decisions around tax and property investment have already been confirmed. Note that at time of writing we are still waiting on the detail around much of this, and we will..

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Upcoming One-Day Property Event in Auckland

by Matthew Gilligan 19 Oct 23

Property coach Steve Goodey, who is a friend and colleague of GRA, is holding a post-election property investment event in Auckland on Sunday 5 November that you might be interested in.I will be giving a tax update, and you’ll hear lots of inspiring case studies.Plus..

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As I write, interest rates are rising and property values are falling. While for many, all they can see is unending doom and gloom, in this article I take a closer look at what it really means for property investors. Firstly, we’ve seen this all before,..

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Property Market, The Labour Government & The Reserve Bank: An adversarial and unconstructive relationshipIt has been disappointing to watch the plethora of contradictory policies coming out of the Ardern Government and the Reserve Bank (RB) over the last five years. There is zero accountability for..

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New RMA Changes a Positive for Investors

by Matthew Gilligan 20 Oct 21

In a bid to seriously address the housing crisis, the Government has announced plans to change the Resource Management Act, reducing red tape and allowing for intensification of housing throughout the country. In my view this is a very positive move. Labour have the support of..

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Property Development and Tax - Free E-book

by Matthew Gilligan 03 Sep 21

Developing property is a very rewarding exercise, but there is a lot to consider and understand if you are going to get it right. Not only do you need to identify if a site can physically be developed, what you are legally permitted to do with..

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Anna is fantastic. We often have lots of quick questions which are swiftly answered by Anna via a return phone call or by email. Her team is also very responsive.

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Investing in residential property?

Put this at the top of your reading list.

If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

  • How to find the right property
  • How to negotiate successfully
  • Renovation do's & don'ts
  •  Property management 
  • Case studies and examples
  • and much, much more...