Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Recessionary Times

by Matthew Gilligan 29 Feb 24

Tax and legal professionals generally see what’s going on in the property and business landscape before it makes headlines. Our clients—property investors and businesspeople—provide us with front-row seats to what’s unfolding in the market. And I must say at time of writing in February 2024,..

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Impact of Debt-to-Income Restrictions

by Matthew Gilligan 26 Jan 24

This week the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) announced their proposal to introduce debt-to-income (DTI) restrictions (also known as debt serviceability restrictions or DSRs) on home lending. Being in practice as chartered accounts specialising in property, GRA are in a good position to read sentiment..

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Property, Tax and Finance Predictions for 2021

by Matthew Gilligan 16 Dec 20

After a crazy 2020, many investors and would-be investors are wondering what 2021 will hold in store for them. I outline my views and share my predictions in this article, which I hope you will find useful. Firstly, who am I to tell you what 2021..

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Trump aftermath - what will it be?

by Matthew Gilligan 14 Nov 16

What does a man with $1 billion of property do when he becomes president and finds himself in control of the money supply, influencing credit conditions and the quantum of the government's fiscal spend as stimulus? The sceptic in me offers the following prediction. We..

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New LVR (Loan-to-Value Ratio) Rules

by Matthew Gilligan 09 Oct 13

As of 1st October 2013, the Reserve Bank has imposed limits on high loan-to-value mortgage lending. What are the new rules? Under these new rules, only 10% of a bank's new residential mortgage lending can be at LVRs over 80%. Up until now, high LVR..

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by Matthew Gilligan 18 Oct 10

Since announcing in May that the LAQC regime was going to be the subject of an overhaul, the property investment community has been anxiously awaiting the Government's follow-up to the Issues Paper released at the time.  On Friday 15 October 2010 draft legislation was released. ..

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Property School provided great info about subdividing and looking for sites in Auckland as well as creative cash flow techniques. - Finn T, June 2018
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Gilligan Rowe and Associates is a chartered accounting firm specialising in property, asset planning, legal structures, taxation and compliance.

We help new, small and medium property investors become long-term successful investors through our education programmes and property portfolio planning advice. With our deep knowledge and experience, we have assisted hundreds of clients build wealth through property investment.

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