Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Property, Debt and Covid-19

by Matthew Gilligan 22 Mar 20

For those of you who are worried because you are carrying debt on property, I share my perspective on the impending doom that Covid-19 has wrought upon us. Just remember, people, that banks lend on closer to 6:1 mixed median multiples (median house prices: median household..

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DTI and social policy

by Matthew Gilligan 23 Aug 17

I wonder if the Reserve Bank's enthusiasm for introducing debt-to-income ratios has more to do with social agenda than strengthening the economy and protecting the banking system.   In the Professional Trustee Team's August blog, we note that debt-to-income ratios (DTIs) are potentially dangerous and that they can..

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New LVR (Loan-to-Value Ratio) Rules

by Matthew Gilligan 09 Oct 13

As of 1st October 2013, the Reserve Bank has imposed limits on high loan-to-value mortgage lending. What are the new rules? Under these new rules, only 10% of a bank's new residential mortgage lending can be at LVRs over 80%. Up until now, high LVR..

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Really enjoyed the school. Learnt so much. I liked the real life examples - they were relatable. And the passion of the presenters. Also thought the books were very valuable as a learning tool. - Greg, June 2018

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