Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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As part of the Government’s property policy announcements today (23 March 2021), there are two significant changes to tax rules that will impact residential property investors. If you don't support the changes, there is a petition that you can sign (link here and at the..

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Restructuring? Look Before You Leap

by Matthew Gilligan 02 Mar 21

When the 2022 income year commences on April 1 2021, the government’s new highest personal marginal tax rate of 39% will be in effect. This rate of income tax applies to individuals on income that they earn in excess of $180,000. It is likely that..

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Thanks Janet. I also want to say thank you so much for your books. I started reading Money Secrets last night - I have been wondering why I just haven't been dealing with stuff and been so stuck lately and your writing is bringing some clarity. So I will be shaking off the Rabbit ears and Ostrich feathers! -- and giving copies of the book to my nephew and niece. Cheers, Sue - Sue Pickernell-Crow, October 2018

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