Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Coalition Government Tax Changes

by Matthew Gilligan 24 Nov 23

Today, New Zealand’s coalition government with National, Act and NZ First was finally announced. Some important decisions around tax and property investment have already been confirmed. Note that at time of writing we are still waiting on the detail around much of this, and we will..

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  Tax Changes - Trust Tax Rate to 39%

by Matthew Gilligan 29 May 23

In the May 2023 Budget, the Labour government announced that from 1 April 2024, the trust tax rate will increase from 33% to 39%. What does this mean for you and your trust?What, if anything, can you do to manage this?Should you still have a trust?These..

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Tax Changes and the Upcoming Election

by Matthew Gilligan 06 Apr 23

Lots of our clients are asking GRA what is on offer from the various parties for the 2023 election, so I thought it would be useful to recap the tax changes made by Labour in their past two terms, and then canvas the different offerings..

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  New Trust Disclosure Rules

by Matthew Gilligan 20 Aug 22

This video post outlines the government's new trust disclosure rules: what they are, and who they apply to. The new rules require trusts to make additional disclosures when filing income tax returns unless the trust meets certain exemptions. Non-exempt trusts need to prepare financial statements..

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Legislation Changes

by Matthew Gilligan 12 Nov 21

The government have made changes to two areas of legislation that affect property investors: tax (interest deduction and bright-line), and the Resource Management Act.  Tax ChangesIn October the government finally introduced legislation into parliament setting out the proposed interest deduction rules. Here is a summary..

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  Tax Changes & Property Market Update

by Matthew Gilligan 30 Oct 21

In this webinar, Matthew Gilligan and Anthony Lipscombe discuss the implications of the interest deductibility and bright-line rules. Topics covered include: Interest non-deductibility and how it will affect investors Extension of the bright-line rule to 10 years Exemption of the above rules for ‘new builds’..

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Tax Changes Update - September 2021

by Matthew Gilligan 09 Sep 21

Most readers will be well acquainted with the fact that we are expecting the interest deductibility rules to kick in from 1 October 2021. You will also likely be aware that as at the time of writing (early September), these rules are yet to be..

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My opinion on the new tax changes

by Matthew Gilligan 13 Apr 21

I'm seething about these tax changes. And it’s not just the fact that Labour lied to us; it’s the whole bigger picture and the implications for ordinary New Zealanders. This Government is attacking middle New Zealand with all these housing initiatives and tax reforms – it’s..

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Restructuring? Look Before You Leap

by Matthew Gilligan 02 Mar 21

When the 2022 income year commences on April 1 2021, the government’s new highest personal marginal tax rate of 39% will be in effect. This rate of income tax applies to individuals on income that they earn in excess of $180,000. It is likely that..

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Hi Juliette, Just want to say thank you for all the work you have done and advice you've given. Definitely tricky during these Covid times and still getting the job done. Want to wish you and your team good fortune, and hopefully in the future work together to get another property.

- Arthur W, September 2021

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