Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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In 2012, the media focused on the comments of an economist, Shamubeel Eaqub, who is well documented for being anti-property. Bear in mind the media likes to present two sides to a story, in this case the counter point in the property debate. So Mr..

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We are scratching our heads at GRA, wondering if the world has gone completely mad. To say we are astonished at the opinions of one particular economist, Shamubeel Eaqub, whose comments were recently published in the New Zealand Herald, is putting it mildly. He said..

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Holiday Home Tax Grab

by Matthew Gilligan 25 Sep 12

Draft legislation reflecting the Government's desire to reduce tax benefits in respect of mixed use assets has now been released. Mixed use assets are assets that are used for both private and business purposes with holiday homes being perhaps the best example of this. The..

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Now that the dust has settled on what was one of the most anticipated Budget announcements in recent memory, now is time to reflect on the impact of the announced and proposed changes on property investors.  In doing so I am going to focus on..

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To educate you must entertain. Property School was both informative and fun. I could not have coped with a boring session after a day in the office. The things I found most valuable were learning about the property wealth wheel, the value of trusts, credit lines and Life Online (which I will use again in the future). I got a lot out of it and have already recommended Property School to friends. - Peter M - November 2015

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Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

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