Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Alert: Special Report on Gift Duty

by Matthew Gilligan 28 Sep 11

Many of you will be aware that the Government have changed the rules on gift duty, repealing gift duty legislation from 1 October 2011.  The effect of this is that IRD will no longer have an interest in gifts made after this date, as the..

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New Tax Rules Proposed for Holiday Homes

by Matthew Gilligan 18 Sep 11

The IRD has recently released an issues paper in relation to the tax treatment of mixed-use assets.  Whilst the issues paper will apply to a range of assets including yachts, launches, aircraft for example, its application to holiday homes is likely most relevant to readers..

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Whilst it has almost been six months since the new zero rating provisions for land transactions came into force, at GRA we are still seeing quirks and issues emerge as practitioners and property traders/investors come to grips with the new rules.  In today's article I..

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