Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Bright-line and Rollover Relief Rules

by Matthew Gilligan 07 May 24

With 1 July fast approaching, it is a good time to alert readers to some of the detail around the new bright-line and rollover relief rules which come into force from that date.Reduction of bright-line period to two yearsAs most readers will be aware, the..

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Bright-line and Interest Deduction Update

by Matthew Gilligan 15 Mar 24

One 14 March 2024, the government released draft legislation coming good on its promise to reduce the bright-line period to two years and repeal the interest limitation rules. The highlights are as follows:Bright-lineA two-year bright-line period will apply to all property where sale occurs on..

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by Matthew Gilligan 20 Dec 23

Today (20 December 2023) the coalition government announced that the bright-line test will be reduced to two years from 1 July 2024. This is what Nicola Willis had to say:"Today I am announcing our immediate decision to bring the brightline test for residential property back to..

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Tax Changes and the Upcoming Election

by Matthew Gilligan 06 Apr 23

Lots of our clients are asking GRA what is on offer from the various parties for the 2023 election, so I thought it would be useful to recap the tax changes made by Labour in their past two terms, and then canvas the different offerings..

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Legislation Changes

by Matthew Gilligan 12 Nov 21

The government have made changes to two areas of legislation that affect property investors: tax (interest deduction and bright-line), and the Resource Management Act.  Tax ChangesIn October the government finally introduced legislation into parliament setting out the proposed interest deduction rules. Here is a summary..

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  Tax Changes & Property Market Update

by Matthew Gilligan 30 Oct 21

In this webinar, Matthew Gilligan and Anthony Lipscombe discuss the implications of the interest deductibility and bright-line rules. Topics covered include: Interest non-deductibility and how it will affect investors Extension of the bright-line rule to 10 years Exemption of the above rules for ‘new builds’..

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Tax Changes Update - October 2021

by Matthew Gilligan 30 Sep 21

The Government’s release of draft legislation this week was disappointing on a number of fronts. First, what was expected to be complex legislation has been successfully made nearly indecipherable. Second, it is of course disappointing that they are pressing ahead with the rules being effective..

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Bright-line rule FAQs

by Matthew Gilligan 25 Nov 18

Earlier this year I wrote about some of the dangers posed by the bright-line rule when restructuring. I did this because the bright-line rule is something we grapple with daily at GRA. However, there is a series of questions that come up on a regular..

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I would like to express my gratitude for taking the time to meet with me today. It's always a pleasure to connect with a knowledgeable and talented consultant like yourself. Our conversation was truly enjoyable, and the overview you provided was exactly what I've been looking for.

- CH, August 2023

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If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

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