Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Major tax changes webinar recording

by Matthew Gilligan 25 Mar 19

Matthew Gilligan recently ran a webinar with Real Estate Investar on tax changes, including loss ring-fencing, and you can watch the recording here.  During the webinar, Matthew discusses the major NZ tax changes that are in the pipeline, including: The Tax Working Group's report •..

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TWG Final Report

by Matthew Gilligan 02 Mar 19

The Tax Working Group's final report has been issued, and I give a quick assessment of the main points below. However, bear in mind that what the TWG have recommended and what Labour actually implement, are likely to be completely different. Headlines Capital Gains Tax..

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Hi Matthew, my name is Mark Soster and I would just like to congratulate you on your wonderful book Property 101. A few weeks ago I had a "financial awakening" and began devouring all the books I could find on the subject, however I keep coming back to yours. After 3 reissues from the library I think it easier now just to buy it. Wonderfully simple yet complex enough to require multiple reads and note taking. It has taken a lot of the fear away with regards to property investment but also tempered me with caution. Without it I would probably have stupidly invested anywhere but Auckland, telling myself it’s too expensive, I now appreciate why would you invest anywhere else? The numbers never lie, in a 20 year plan then Auckland is King for capital gain. As a fan of maths (the only perfect thing on earth?) I can see how each opportunity can be ruthlessly examined on a purely financial level. Anyway, thanks again, I will definitely be contacting your company with regards to coaching and expertise. - Mark Soster - October 2017
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If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

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  • Renovation do's & don'ts
  •  Property management 
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