Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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  Tax Changes - Trust Tax Rate to 39%

by Matthew Gilligan 29 May 23

In the May 2023 Budget, the Labour government announced that from 1 April 2024, the trust tax rate will increase from 33% to 39%. What does this mean for you and your trust?What, if anything, can you do to manage this?Should you still have a trust?These..

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  Tax Changes & Property Market Update

by Matthew Gilligan 30 Oct 21

In this webinar, Matthew Gilligan and Anthony Lipscombe discuss the implications of the interest deductibility and bright-line rules. Topics covered include: Interest non-deductibility and how it will affect investors Extension of the bright-line rule to 10 years Exemption of the above rules for ‘new builds’..

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Tax Changes Update - October 2021

by Matthew Gilligan 30 Sep 21

The Government’s release of draft legislation this week was disappointing on a number of fronts. First, what was expected to be complex legislation has been successfully made nearly indecipherable. Second, it is of course disappointing that they are pressing ahead with the rules being effective..

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My opinion on the new tax changes

by Matthew Gilligan 13 Apr 21

I'm seething about these tax changes. And it’s not just the fact that Labour lied to us; it’s the whole bigger picture and the implications for ordinary New Zealanders. This Government is attacking middle New Zealand with all these housing initiatives and tax reforms – it’s..

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