Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Are You A DINK?: Case Study

by Matthew Gilligan 10 Nov 09

If you are a DINK (double income no kids) household, then the ideas in this article could help you grow your wealth and protect your future.The Smiths Mr and Mrs Smith are a professional couple. Mr Smith is a doctor and Mrs Smith a lawyer. The..

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Proposed Changes to GST Regime

by Matthew Gilligan 08 Nov 09

In June 2008 the Government released a tax policy issues paper for public consultation that looked at options for reducing risks that GST can present to both businesses and the Government.  Following submissions in relation to this, the Government has now released a follow up..

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Property School opend my mind to different ideas/strategies and I met experts on areas I didn't know about. I was able to develop a strategy and got clear ideas of what I was doing right and what I wasn’t. Led to me changing positively. Enjoyed the passion and experience of the presenters and thier willingness to share. - Al P - December 2017
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