Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Many clients have been asking me if I think this is a better time to be investing in property in New Zealand. I think the answer is yes, but you need to be careful.The Good News: Immigration is on the rise - annualising at close..

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Partnership really means two or more people or entities coming together in a common undertaking or enterprise.You can trade your partnership through various trading vehicles including companies/LAQCs, joint ventures, general partnership, special partnerships, limited partnerships, or trusts. Each trading vehicle should have an agreement created..

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Property School gave me the motivation to take the next step because I've learnt a lot and feel we are on the right path. It really helped to look at examples to show what can be done. The presenters were excellent, high energy, enthusiastic, lots of good quality information. - Amanda C, April 2019

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Gilligan Rowe and Associates is a chartered accounting firm specialising in property, asset planning, legal structures, taxation and compliance.

We help new, small and medium property investors become long-term successful investors through our education programmes and property portfolio planning advice. With our deep knowledge and experience, we have assisted hundreds of clients build wealth through property investment.

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