Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Property, Debt and Covid-19

by Matthew Gilligan 22 Mar 20

For those of you who are worried because you are carrying debt on property, I share my perspective on the impending doom that Covid-19 has wrought upon us. Just remember, people, that banks lend on closer to 6:1 mixed median multiples (median house prices: median household..

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Healthy Homes Costs

by Matthew Gilligan 09 Mar 20

Readers will by now be well acquainted with the minimum standards under the Healthy Homes Regulations. Rather than discuss what landlords need to do to adhere to these standards, in this blog I want to address the debate as to the tax treatment of costs..

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Airbnb GST Traps

by Matthew Gilligan 02 Feb 20

Prior to Christmas, the IRD issued a draft statement confirming some of the traps that exist when renting out property via platforms like Airbnb, Book a Bach, etc. In this month's blog I thought I would set out examples that we have seen over the..

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Property Market Prediction for 2020

by Matthew Gilligan 18 Dec 19

Here we are again approaching another Christmas, saying didn't this year go fast. Reminding ourselves to take time out and smell the roses, as we race through our busy lives. For me, that involves game fishing in the Far North of New Zealand, and I..

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Changes at GRA

by Matthew Gilligan 08 Oct 19

There are some changes happening at GRA that we want to inform you about. After much deliberation, Janet Xuccoa, who has been a partner Gilligan Rowe & Associates for 14 years, is leaving to further her career in Australia. I’m sure you will join us..

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New Trusts Act Explained

by Matthew Gilligan 11 Sep 19

The utilisation of trusts for asset protection, estate planning and tax planning purposes has exploded over the last 20 years. I suspect many readers are currently trustees of trusts. I equally suspect that very few readers have read the Trustee Act 1956, which was essentially..

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Investing in property offshore

by Matthew Gilligan 12 Aug 19

In this blog I look at the tax implications of a New Zealander investing in property offshore. While there is much coverage of the implications of investing in property in NZ, there is less commentary on offshore investment.  While many of the same rules apply,..

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Renting out the spare bedroom

by Matthew Gilligan 08 Jul 19

If you have a spare bedroom or two at home, you may think about renting it out in order to generate some additional income.  As you might expect, there are potential tax implications if you do so. The tax implications differ depending on the arrangement..

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Ring-fencing Update

by Matthew Gilligan 06 Jun 19

After several months considering over 250 submissions, the Finance and Expenditure Committee has reported back to Parliament on the loss ring-fencing rules. Reflecting the fact that the original draft was somewhat of a shambles, they have thrown that out and started again from scratch.  Readers..

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The Leaders event was without doubt the most useful day I have spent in a very long time...Many thanks - Rob, May 2018

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