Matthew Gilligan Blog

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Dangers of Bargain Mortgagee Deals

by Matthew Gilligan 20 Jun 09

A recent article by the NBR concerning the wilful trashing of the former family home of bankrupt Merlot Homes director Stuart Herron, which recently sold at mortgagee auction, raises some interesting issues. To summarise the story, in the four weeks between the auction hammer falling and..

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As a structuring adviser to investors and business people, one very common mistake with many  business and property structures is a spouse being offered as a guarantor to the banks, landlords or creditors of a business. Their personal guarantee is often not required to get a deal done,..

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Hawkins Clause and Protecting Your Home

by Matthew Gilligan 09 May 09

As accountants we are often asked, "What can we do to manage the exposure of our affairs to banks, as we increase our business or property borrowing?"There are lots of things you can do to reduce the effectiveness of bank securities and protect yourself from..

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Partnership really means two or more people or entities coming together in a common undertaking or enterprise.You can trade your partnership through various trading vehicles including companies/LAQCs, joint ventures, general partnership, special partnerships, limited partnerships, or trusts. Each trading vehicle should have an agreement created..

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Important Interest Rate Commentary: 1 May

by Matthew Gilligan 28 Apr 09

First of all with the OCR announcement this week, what about interest rates? What will the banks do and what should you be thinking about at present? You will remember in my newsletter on interest rates just over a month ago, I suggested that you consider..

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In a welcome development for taxpayers, the Minister of Revenue, Peter Dunne, has recommended to the Finance and Expenditure Select Committee considering the new associated persons rules (for dealers in land, developers, and builders) that the implementation date of these rules be delayed. To recap,..

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As I have said on several occasions, property and stock markets react much faster than local businesses to bad news. The property sector and stock market wear the downside of recession very quickly, as does the entire supply chain underneath these sectors of the economy...

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This letter is to express my appreciation for the assistance and encouragement of both Anthony Lipscombe and particularly John Heaslip over the last financial year. The period since activating my trading trust has been one of considerable stress, as well as personal development, as I embarked on this as a relative business neophyte with virtually no awareness of the contemporary requirements of running a business, particularly the financial records aspect. During much of this period I have therefore felt considerable out of my depth.  However I have been lucky enough to have had the benefit of the advice and support of John Heaslip in rationalizing what was a fairly chaotic set of records of the first year property trading. I am able to say that John in particular, has been unstinting in his attention to my needs and has done so in a manner which has never alluded to my extremely rudimentary grasp of managing a business, or even of being unable to set out a spread sheet properly.  The result of the above guidance is that now, although my trading trust would still not be able to operate without the advice of GRA, I do least feel a sense of satisfaction that I have got to my present point without major disaster and that my property trust does now have some kind of firmer basis for any future activities - Name withheld by request

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