Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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Property Strategy Case Study

by Matthew Gilligan 26 Oct 17

I'd like to share with you the details of a property deal I'm currently doing in Auckland. Before I get into that, however, I invite you to watch the recording of the webinar I ran with Tony Alexander this week, if you didn't manage to..

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Winfiasco: Waiting for Mr Peters to decide

by Matthew Gilligan 24 Sep 17

With election shenanigans in full flight, it appears we will suffer several weeks of grand standing and power playing as Mr Peters lists his demands and weighs his options. I was going to run a webinar with Tony Alexander on 26 September reviewing the outcome..

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DTI and social policy

by Matthew Gilligan 23 Aug 17

I wonder if the Reserve Bank's enthusiasm for introducing debt-to-income ratios has more to do with social agenda than strengthening the economy and protecting the banking system.   In the Professional Trustee Team's August blog, we note that debt-to-income ratios (DTIs) are potentially dangerous and that they can..

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Distortion from the AUP

by Matthew Gilligan 18 Jun 17

The new Terrace Housing and Apartment Building (THAB) zone allows for the building of some high-density developments to meet Auckland's starved housing supply. Because of this massive potential density, you can go six-storeys high with no parking, and intensively use the land. This creates an..

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Labour's proposal to ring-fence losses

by Matthew Gilligan 18 May 17

Labour has targeted investors in its fresh housing policy released in the last week. Ring-fencing tax losses, five-year bright-line rules and a tax committee (to mask their desire to bring in capital gains tax) are all on their agenda. Highlights • Ring-fenced tax losses derived..

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Can property prices keep rising indefinitely?

by Matthew Gilligan 30 Jan 17

I was recently asked whether there was an upper limit to the ratio between property price and household income, which in Auckland currently sits at about 10 to 1. In other words, the average property price is worth 10 times the average annual income.  Also..

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Trump aftermath - what will it be?

by Matthew Gilligan 14 Nov 16

What does a man with $1 billion of property do when he becomes president and finds himself in control of the money supply, influencing credit conditions and the quantum of the government's fiscal spend as stimulus? The sceptic in me offers the following prediction. We..

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It is with some interest that I watch the property and finance markets as the recent Reserve Bank rule (winding investor lending back to 60% loan-to-value ratio) starts to take effect and bite property investors.  You have to ask whether the Reserve Bank has manufactured..

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Economic and Property Update Video Release

by Matthew Gilligan 12 May 16

With nearly 900 people in attendance, the Economic & Property Update in March was a fantastic event. Tony Alexander gave his predictions for the economy and property market in 2016, and I talked about strategies for investing in the current conditions. Tony and I both..

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The volume of detailed information we were given was awesome. More options than I ever imagined. I enjoyed every session - Colleen E - December 2017
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If you're investing in residential property, seeking to maximise your ability to succeed and minimise risk, then this is a 'must read'.

Matthew Gilligan provides a fresh look at residential property investment from an experienced investor’s viewpoint. Written in easy to understand language and including many case studies, Matthew explains the ins and outs of successful property investment.

  • How to find the right property
  • How to negotiate successfully
  • Renovation do's & don'ts
  •  Property management 
  • Case studies and examples
  • and much, much more...