Matthew Gilligan Blog

Matthew Gilligan

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As you will now be well aware, the LAQC / LTC tax changes are fast approaching.  They take effect 1 April 2011. If you have an LAQC and you have not yet discussed with us what course of action to take, you need to contact us..

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Gift Duty To Be Abolished

by Matthew Gilligan 01 Nov 10

On Monday Revenue Minister Peter Dunn confirmed that the government intends to abolish gift duty. Earlier this year the Minister had signalled that a review was being undertaken as to whether or not the gift duty regime should be repealed or amended.  Subsequently that review has..

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by Matthew Gilligan 18 Oct 10

Since announcing in May that the LAQC regime was going to be the subject of an overhaul, the property investment community has been anxiously awaiting the Government's follow-up to the Issues Paper released at the time.  On Friday 15 October 2010 draft legislation was released. ..

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Now that the dust has settled on what was one of the most anticipated Budget announcements in recent memory, now is time to reflect on the impact of the announced and proposed changes on property investors.  In doing so I am going to focus on..

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No doubt you have been reading in the newspapers and listening to the media various reports reviewing what is going on in the property markets; highlights of the reports are both positive and negative, and you hear various opinions around the marketplace about what  2010..

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The tax report seems to reveal a concern/realisation by the group that any tax change causing a significant drop in values in property, will be politically unacceptable. This was a view that I formed and I generally disregarded this option as too radical when I..

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NZ Tax Reform Report: Our Response

by Matthew Gilligan 19 Jan 10

The Tax Working Group report was publicly released at a press conference yesterday, 20 January 2010.  Please read our summary including our response of interest to property investors.  The highlights of the report seem to be: The lowering of personal tax rates in favour of..

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The Future of Tax in New Zealand

by Matthew Gilligan 01 Dec 09

In recent times the Tax Working Group reviewing New Zealand's tax system has received increased attention.This is no surprise as it gets closer to making its recommendations, which now appear likely to come out early in the New Year.  The Tax Working Group is a..

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Are You A DINK?: Case Study

by Matthew Gilligan 10 Nov 09

If you are a DINK (double income no kids) household, then the ideas in this article could help you grow your wealth and protect your future.The Smiths Mr and Mrs Smith are a professional couple. Mr Smith is a doctor and Mrs Smith a lawyer. The..

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Over the years, I have been very happy indeed with the excellence and professionalism of the services I have received from all staff at Gilligan Rowe and Associates. 

- Bob Stewart, October 2020

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